Thursday, January 27, 2011

My blog has moved to a new home...

Please, join the housewarming party at See you there! ...
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Culinary treats you'd be sorry to miss #1: Mitchell's Ice Cream

I tasted some ice-cream yesterday, that got me excited enough to warrant a blog post!After successfully finishing my ACLS class in San Francisco, I was craving carbohydrates like there was no tomorrow.  It must have been the excitement and lack of sleep during the weekend.  On Saturday I went by Mitchell’s Ice Cream twice on my...
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Almost last semester...

It has gotten curiously quiet on this blog…and for good reason, my friend!I’ve been busily heralding the last semester of nursing school—and this even before the semester has officially begun.  Just to start it off with a bang, 30 eager classmates, students from the junior cohort, and I, spent 3 hours yesterday listening to an awesome...
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Video clips you'd be sorry to miss #3: A Good Day

Are you having a bad day?  Feeling sorry for yourself and what is happening in your life? Yes—we all have those days. The good news is that it actually is a good day.  It only depends on our perspective. Take some time to enjoy this video... and be grateful! If you are still feeling blue and don't know how to change things...
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Back from Tibet

Have you been looking for that special something to surprise a loved one?  Or a nifty accessory to impress the beautiful yoga nymph from class, or the friendly barista guy behind the health food store juice bar, whom you always wanted to ask out but never dared to?  Maybe you are in need of a gift to show your partner, that rarely...
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Video clips you'd be sorry to miss #2: Reflections--Body Image Program

(Sandro Botticelli - The Birth of Venus)   In my last blog post I wrote about how breastfeeding increases the likelihood of a healthy weight.  However, "healthy weight" is as much in our head as it is in our body.  The influence of the popular but distorted body image that surrounds us in Western cultures,...
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Of Breasts and Milk

This week I intercepted my relaxing semester break and spent two days at work.  Both days were busy and kept me on my toes from the time I set my feet in the unit until I left.  Yet, I would not have wanted it any other way.  My profession, practiced during these days—I am an IBCLC, an International Board Certified Lactation...
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Video clips you'd be sorry to miss #1

I just love to watch this incredibly talented yogi from Sweden!  She makes it look so easy, while practicing with the utmost grace. Enjoy! Ashtanga Yoga - Viparīta Chakrās...
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Recycled Recreation

This morning I made it to Bayfront Park in Menlo Park.  I used to go running there regularly in my life prior to nursing school.  It seems like an eternity ago.Bayfront Park’s 160 acres extend over the area of a solid waste landfill that was closed in 1984.  It is located on a small peninsula, surrounded by salt ponds and...
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Aparigraha and the Mind of the Beast

She denies any involvement with this matter…Although she has been seen around the site of the action right about the time of the incident…But then… Could these eyes lie? No.  Hm…maybe… Let’s look at the evidence: The frazzled bite marks on my yoga mat….....................the fangs of the vicious beast.  Check!  This...
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